Dr.Willibald Stockerl
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations in Diverse Light-Driven Systems
Dr. Philipp Dullinger
Computer Simulations of Ion- and Solvent Effects.
Dr. Johannes Gramüller
NMR Spectroscopic Mechaistic Investigations of Photocatalytic Transformations
and Post-doctoral studies.
Dr. Motiram Corral Kumar
Post-doctoral studies in all areas of the workgroup.
M.Sc. Mona Peschik
Chiral Amines: Synthesis, NMR Spectroscopic Investigation, and Analysis for their
Industrial Application.
Dr. Aleksandr Antonov
Visiting scientist (3 months) for synthesis.
Dr. Matej Zabka
Post-doctoral studies.
Dr. Verena Streitferdt
Modern NMR Spectroscopy for Exploring New Intermediates and Reaction Pathways
in Organo- and Photocatalysis,Organometallic and Inorganic Chemistry
and Post-doctoral studies.
Dr. Nele Berg
NMR Spectroscopic Mechanistic Investigations of Photocatalytic Transformations
and Post-doctoral studies.
Dr. Aleksandr Antonov
Visiting scientist (3 months) for synthesis.
Dr. Florian Hastreiter
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations on Zintl Anions, Palladium Complexes
and Non-Classical Fullerene Topology.
Dr. Johnny Hioe
Post-doctoral studies in all areas of the workgroup.
Dr. Kerstin Rothermel
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations of Brønsted Acid Catalyzed Transfer Hydrogenations.
Dr. Philipp Nitschke
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations and Method Development in Photocatalysis
and Medicinal Chemistry.
Dr. Lokesh Nanjundappa
Post-doctoral studies in all areas of the workgroup.
Dr. Julian Greindl
NMR-Spectroscopic Investigations in Brønsted Acid Catalysis
and Post-doctoral studies.
Dr. Andreas Seegerer
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations on Asymmetric Aminocatalysis.
Dr. Maxime Melikian
Post-doctoral studies in all areas of the workgroup.
M.Sc. Daniel Schneider
Synthesis and NMR Spectroscopic Investigations of Chiral Iminium Salts.
Dr. Polyssena Renzi
Post-doctoral studies in all areas of the workgroup.
Dr. Nils Sorgenfrei
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations on Intermediates in Brønsted Acid Catalysis and
Interaction Pattern in Carbamoylguanidine Salts.
Dr. Hanna Bartling
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations on Photocatalytic Reactions and
Photochromic Materials.
Dr. Michael Haindl
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations On Small Organic Molecules: Castalyst Stabilities,
Low-Abundance Conformers, Intermediates And Reaction Mechanismss.
Dr. Michael Hammer
NMR-Spectroscopic Investigations on Aminocatalysis: Experimental and Quantum
Chemical Studies on Dienamine- and Enamine-Intermediates.
Dr. Carina Koch
NMR-Spectroscopic Investigations on Copper-Catalyzed Reactions and Zintl-Anions.
Dr. Fabio Morana
Post-doctoral studies in all areas of the workgroup.
M.Sc. Peter Braun
Kopplung on UV/Vis- und NMR-Spektroskopie und Untersuchungen zur
photokatalytischen alpha-Alkylierung eines Aldehyds.
M.Sc. Thomas Hausler
NMR-Spektroskopische Untersuchung des Wasserstoffbrückennetzwerkes
in der Brønstedt-Säure-katalysierten Reduktion von Ketiminen.
Dr. Felicitas von Rekowski
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations of Transition Metal-Catalyzed Addition Reactions.
Dr. Christian Feldmeier
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations on Flavin Catalyzed Photooxidations.
Dr. Maria Neumeier
NMR Spectroscopic Studies of Organocopper Compounds and Zintl Anions.
Dr. Diana Drettwan
NMR Spectroscopic Investigatinos on Intermolecular Interactions in Acylguanidine
Receptor Complexes and in Brønsted Acid and Thiourea Catalysis.
Dr. Evelyn Hartmann
NMR Spectroscopic Studies on Phosphoramidite Palladium Complexes: Structures,
Intermediates and Interaction Patterns.
Dr. Matthias Fleischmann
NMR Investigations on Catalysts and Conformations in Organo- and Photocatalytic
Reactions, and Characterization of Electrolytes and Supramolecular Switchable
Container Molecules.
Dr. Markus Schmid
NMR Spectroscopic Investigations on Aminocatalysis: Catalysts and Intermediates,
Conformations and Mechanisms.
Dr. Katrin Schober
NMR-Investigations on Intermediates and Interactions in Transition-Metal Catalysis.
Dr. Roland Kleinmeier
Structural Investigations on N’-Substituted N-Acylguanidines - Intermolecular
Interactions with Solvents, Anions and Receptors.
Dr. Tobias Gärtner
NMR Spectroscopic Studies on Organocopper Compounds and Silicon Zintl Anions.
Dr. Guido Federwisch
NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen von Wasserstoffbrückennetzwerken in
Argininkomplexen und Rotaxanen.
Dr. Hongxia Zhang
Structure Elucidation of Copper-Phosporamidite Complexes in Solution.
Dr. Wolfram Henze
Korrelation zwischen Struktur und Reaktivität von Organocuprat-Reagenzien und
Intermediaten in Diethylether.
Dipl. Chem. Marcia Armbrüster
Methodische Entwicklung zur Detektion von 2hJHP-Kopplungen.
Dr. Xiulan Xie
Post-doctoral studies
Dr. Igor Zubrzycki
Post-doctoral studies
Dr. P. R. Rajamohanan
Post-doctoral studies
Dr. Piotr Dem'yanov
Post-doctoral studies
Nikola Kastner-Pustet (2005/24)
Michelle Brückner (2021/24)
Ulrike Weck (2003/23)
Veronica Scheidler (2018/20)
Maria Hutterer (2017)
Ursula Holzinger (2016/17)
Gerd Häde (Bonn)
Alphonse Mbonimana (Bonn)
Eberhard Gierke (Bonn)
Phone: 0941 943-4626
Fax: 0941 943-4617
Room: CH23.1.80