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Recent and ongoing collaborations


Next is a list of collaborators that we really enjoy working with, and help us to maintain motivation and optimism!


Prof. Nobuo Kimizuka

Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

URL: http://www.chem.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~kimizuka/index.php?id=26 


Prof. Debasish Haldar

IISER Kolkata, India

URL: http://www.iiserkol.ac.in/~deba_h76/index.html


Prof. César Saldías

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

URL: http://quimica.uc.cl/es/facultad/academicos/1124-saldias-b-cesar


Prof. Qian Wang

University of South Carolina, US

URL: http://qianwanggroup/com/ 


Prof. Mario Waser

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

URL: http://www.jku.at/orc/


Prof. M.G. Finn

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

URL: http://ww2.chemistry.gatech.edu/groups/finn/


Prof. Jeremiah A. Johnson

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

URL: http://web.mit.edu/johnsongroup/#


Dr. Rahul Banerjee

National Chemical Laboratory, India

URL: http://www.pmatlab.com/members/rahul-banerjee


Prof. Dr. Stefano Roelens

Universita' di Firenze, Italy

URL: http://risc1.chimorg.unifi.it/roelens/


Prof. Sayam Sen Gupta

National Chemical Laboratory, India

URL: http://academic.ncl.res.in/ss.sengupta/home


Prof. Vicente Gotor-Fernández

Universidad de Oviedo, Spain 

URL: http://grupos.uniovi.es/web/vicgotfer


Dr. Raquel Pérez Herrera 

Universidad de Zaragoza; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain

URL: http://asymmetricorganocatalysis.com/


Prof. Carlos Alemán

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

URL: http://www.eq.upc.edu/investigacion/imem


Prof. Ramón Eritja Casadella

IQAC-CISC, Barcelona, Spain

URL: http://www.iqac.csic.es/index.php?option=com_ogngrups&view=detall_grup&Itemid=95&cid=47&lang=en


Prof. Víctor Martín García

Universidad de La Laguna, Spain

URL: http://vmartin.webs.ull.es/webgrupo/index.html


Prof. José Manuel Catalá Civera

ITACA, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

URL: http://www.itaca.upv.es/view.php/Investigacion/DIMAS/About%20us


Dr. Françoise Quignard; Dr. Nathalie Tanchoux

Institut Charles Gerhardt, France

URL: http://macs.icgm.fr/lien%20vers%20page%20perso


Prof. Arindam Banerjee

Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India

URL: http://www.iacs.res.in/biochem/bcab/index.html


Prof. Ecaterina Stela Dragan

"Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Romania

URL: http://www.icmpp.ro/departments/SuprogramS4/departaments4.html


If you want to collaborate with us let us know your interests, expertise and capabilities. We are always looking for exciting and motivating collaborators!

  1. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
  2. Institute of Organic Chemistry

Research Group
Dr. David Díaz-Díaz

Prof. PD Dr. habil.
David Díaz Díaz

Heisenberg Prof. (2013-2018)


CH 23.2.21

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